Flagellum beating, DNA packing, Geolocalization… The strategies to fertilize the oocyte are more and more detailed by the researchers. This is a marathon for the cells.
Archives de l’auteur : bravaux
The decisive role of the flagellum
Presentation of our results for « Le Magazine de la santé ».
« Le Magazine de la santé » is a French medical TV show, broadcast every day at 1:35 pm on « France 5 ». The program is showed by the physicians and journalists Michel Cymes and Marina Carrère d’Encausse.
The key moment of the fertilization revealed
The flagellum beating is not only involved in the motility of the cell to win the race. The flagellum beating is also essential to fuse with the oocyte. This is the amazing result of the scientifict research done by Benjamin Ravaux and Christine Gourier at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS Paris).
The flagellum, an essential tool to fertilize
Since immemoral time, sperm and oocytes have met each other to fuse. However, the mechanisms of fertilization process remain unknown. French scientists have juste unveiled one of them.
Fertilization caught on tape for the first time
The sperm cell will fuse with the egg only if its falgellum is able to keep the pace. A new parameter identified by a french PhD student, which reveals that fertilization process is still mysterious.
Fertilization: the flagellum has to keep the pace
Fertilization is a complex process. To initiate the fusion of a mature spermatozoon with an egg, close physical contact between the two cells is not enough. A French scientific team has just understood why.
Sperm and oocyte fusion caught on tape for the first time
A French physicist caught on tape the first steps of the mice fertilization process. The mechanisms to transfer the sperm DNA inside the oocyte remain largely unknown.
‘IVF chip’ helps capture images of sperm fusing with egg
Every mammal on this planet starts in the same way: a sperm encounters an egg and fuses with it. This process is familiar to every eighth grade biology student, and pictures of the event can be found in every biology text book. However, despite this ubiquity, the detailed mechanics of the process itself is still somewhat of a mystery.
Mammalian fertilization, caught on tape
The development of every animal in the history of the world began with a simple step: the fusion of a spermatozoon (the male gamete) with an oocyte, or egg (the female gamete). Despite the ubiquity of this process, the actual mechanisms through which fertilization occurs remain poorly understood. A new tool developed by a team of French biophysicists may soon shed light on this still-mysterious process, and has already captured highly detailed images of what happens when sperm and egg first touch.
Mammalian fertilization, caught on tape
Using a new microfluidic device called the ‘IVF chip,’ scientists obtain the first images with both high spatial and temporal resolution of the initial steps of fertilization.